Wednesday, September 26, 2007

First Morning at Spannocchia

The next morning I got up early- what jet lag?!?! - I think because I was so excited to be there! In all fairness, all my stress at work ended with the final submission of my big project a week earlier, so I had a bit of time to unwind before the trip.

It was a gorgeous morning, and I couldn't wait to get outside and explore!


We had a cute little table under a grapevine-laden trellis just next to our front door, which is just to the right of this photo. We didn't sit there all that often, but it was really nice when we did! Our kitchen window looked out over the top of this trellis.


There was a bench in the corner of the parking area that looked out over what I thought was one of the nicest views out over the countryside.


You could see this other castle-like building on the next hill. I'm still not exactly sure what it is and where, but I think it's still on the Spannocchia property.


Check out these hydrangeas! I've started walking down the hill from the bench and from our farmhouse...


...continuing down the hill... even the concrete mixer somehow looks picturesque here! (yes, I'm weird.) Groups of college kids come here as part of class trips, and I think they do some of the work restoring this place, so this may be from one of the most recent projects? I loved the tree in the foreground. The trees in the grove behind it are all olive trees.


This is what an olive tree looks like up close. The flowers had fallen off already, but the fruits were still very tiny- about half the size of a pinky-nail, if that, and bright spring green. There are a couple in this photo, but they're kind of hard to see. (click on the photo, then look at it at the original posted size, you may be able to see them there.)


There was a blackwater pond further down the hill, with cattails and other marsh grasses growing at one end.


As I walked along there were all these little bursts of noise, and little splashes- it took me a while to see, but there were TINY little yellow frogs all sunning themselves along the edge of the pond! When I got too close they'd jump into the water!


The waterlilies were really pretty, too.


This little guy was none too happy that I was there, and made it quite clear that I was invading his turf!


So I started to make my way back up the hill... but not without admiring the poppies in the morning sunshine first!


Farmhouses- ours is in the building on the left, towards the back- note the grapevine trellis!



(just thought this was pretty!)

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