Monday, September 24, 2007

We're here! Part 1: Italy

After so much time, the day finally- yet suddenly- arrived! AM and I flew together and met T in Rome. We rented a car, and started our journey to Tuscany!


Everything was just so beautiful, but then again, I was looking through the eyes of an insanely exuberant tourist, so I went a bit nutty on the photos as poor, extremely jet-lagged T took the wheel. (sorry, T, that I can't drive stick!)

These are some views from the Autostrada, heading north from Rome.


Check out all the sunflowers!


I love sunflowers! Especially with the mountains in the background and the fact that I'm seeing them... in Italy!!!



At this point T and AM are laughing at me (I don't think they're rolling they're eyes quite yet!)for the number of "drive-by shooting" pictures I've taken: I'm well beyond 50 so far, and we haven't even gotten to Tuscany!


...but it's just so pretty here!


Alright, so we've turned off the Autostrada, and are now, officially, in Tuscany! Yay!!!

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