Friday, March 20, 2009

Flashback: 11.01.1999- ponderings- urban planning and preservation

Deciding what to keep in a city is like deciding what to keep of your own stuff- there's a continual filtering process- some things are built/bought/made/etc. strictly because there is a need right then and there. There's nothing attractive, sentimental, about them (ex: the plastic spoons I saved from the airplane because I needed a few extra spoons) and there is no need or desire to carry them on to the next phase of life, like extra baggage.

The are some things, however, which although there for a specific purpose (ex: my Amalfi plate) which are valuable- attractive, sentimental, useful, whatever- and do not want to be left behind. It is these pieces that will be preserved, protected, left and used as traces of one's life.

The same is true in a city. Temporary shacks do not ask to be protected and preserved beyond their useful life. Other buildings, on the other hand, were built with such time and care and thought that when they still are usefull (whether or not massive repair work is needed) there would be a great loss to the city if they were needlessly erased.

...the trick is deciding what is worth saving and what is not!

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