Friday, March 20, 2009

Flashback: 11.11.1998- Classes

Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 03:55:10 -0500
Subject: Re: READ ME!!
Hi Mom!

Doing great! I'm in between classes right now- Women in the History of Arch, and Plates & Shells. The first is ok, not all that special, but I'm sitting in on the lectures anyway. The second is pretty good- although right now we haven't gotten to anything that's all that new for me. (A lot of this was covered in Building of Arch- the class I was a TA for!)

Anyway, I have my first "Zwischenkritik" next week- that's a review of my work- rather than doing this every week or so like at RPI, they only have three in the semester, then one big one at the end! Don't quite know what to expect from it, but I don't think many people do. It's kind of cool to see how different people go about designing. Everyone's style is different, but I've seen the same ones over and over for the last three years (and although we're all different, we all had pretty much the same background) and now to see things that are completely different is really cool!

I went to a lecture last night- Ben Van Berkel, who is a Dutch architect. He gave a lecture at RPI a few years ago, which I heard was really good, but I didn't see- that was the day Mr. Nelson and Pete Wasilewski took me out for pizza! So it was cool to finally see a bit of what Van Berkel is about. Pretty cool stuff, very theoretical, very much about what all the classes after me are doing at RPI, and I got a lot out of it.

OK, enough rambling about school stuff for now! I just looked at the time you sent this- 9:35 yesterday (Tues) morning? I guess there's a bit of a time lag on getting stuff- this is a Netscape email program, so I don't know why it's taking so long. (It's 9:50am (3:50am your time) WEDNESDAY morning! Hmm.. so that would explain why I haven't heard anything until now, I guess. I was getting a bit worried that there was something funny about the address I gave you- and everyone else! But as long as I know I CAN get mail here, I'm all set!

Phew! I really know how to ramble on about nothing sometimes, don't I??

So how are you? Fill me in on stuff! What's the waether like right now? (We had the first frost a few days ago.) Are you doing anything for your birthday? How's Poupon? Still overly stressed, or doing a bit better?

OK, I'd better get going. Talk to you again soon!
Love, Cor :)

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